
Acapella (No So (22:13)

Acapella (No So (22:13)

477 Plays

16 Mar 2022

this platoe up lvls wet em mixn cold weather jello no ken better never thought i a clark kenter an we gon ball 4L fa eva ever pet eagle rap ef its a lingo war take da pack chef that bby more dis is lo cuz the neighbors look like dey a record everything frum dey porch aint it bouta ring u tryna eat i hand u dis strap like a doe bell mean git da doe outta jeans crazy or razor sharp days we on da neweet names nvr blazed grades b4 like me pieces like my weed by its brains y its lame dnt walk a run fly dis way bac him real quick cant speek fa dem eye its paid on mine is js i hav yet ta c a island shade fire in shape fine es bays highland craze sen em bounce threw ya search engine kno da drilly if welink i was tlkn n e then she was nuntn nrth a me wrd ta g it somthange we cà make it really if it aint make sum change plays denwayne dat shit was so wac doin fa ever osy else 4 got tadosomthin 4 my self

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