
Spacious Spacemyth

Spacious Spacemyth

80 Plays

30 May 2023

Song Title Spacious Spacemyth beat magnum space as you know it doesn't exist this false knowledge is embedded myth this is the subject they want you to dismiss an ache in the back of the mind that tends to persists if you cut off your hand to spite your wrist then you can't even ever throw up your fist water above water below stars are bio luminescence frequency watch them glow the world's a stage Nasa puts on a show keep the masses in line, you cant see if you refuse to know learned the lies early the brain won't resist believing out of nothing life starts to exists sycophants rulers of Platos plot twist tell alie long enough it's the truth we insist won't know what I know if you never look to see cant grow can't glow believing in make-believe space race hid it right in front of your face case erased truth replaced a mouse moves freely inside its cage spaced out Spacious rockets red glare Astronaut red faced audacious won't play fair acid trips to the moon lie about its phases emits a cold glow into the air lookin back at me with blank stare gazes praises paraphrase glazed over prayer fallacious I double dog dare ya to retrace my phrases check my FE Playlist there is depth to my vagueness persuasive somewhat abrasive bringing you the truth no lies can escape this my ether flow is effortless and gracious taste my verse, its down right herbaceous paced out placed hits lets hasten this no more time to waste or resist looking up upon a star, making a wish a galaxy far far away is a myth may Yah give your third eye a kiss and see the realm for the place that it is like a grandfather clock encased a closed space cared for put into place be a magnetic compass of spirit grace attracting kinetic energy interlaced a dome of molten crystal man used nukes in operation fishbowl my facts shoot straight like billy the kids pistol so much on your plate I gave you an earful villains armed with missiles man uses his symbols signs from elites these are are their smoke signals the vision of demon officials love their system or become its victim keep your head spinning in every direction when the truth become mainstream we up stream the conscious collective effective no longer a subject being subjected the mind is powerful so protect it #mellowflo #truthtellers #rapfame #fe #round #nocurve #noglobe #closedsystem #truth #cogdistrigger


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Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

1 year ago

Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

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