Devi Eros
Devi Eros

🧨 MADE INTO TOP TRACKS THNX TO YOUS 🧨. ☮️Catchy Little Prologue Draft1🕉️

🧨 MADE INTO TOP TRACKS THNX TO YOUS 🧨. ☮️Catchy Little Prologue Draft1🕉️
1,000 Plays

3,443 Plays

11 months ago

Don’t Want to Listen to Whole Song, Judge? Start @ 1:35 “The flute tells the tales of loves bloodstain paths” and listen till the end. Where the good pitches hide🤼‍♀️🥊🤸🏻‍♀️🎭🎤🤹🏻 2:22 “How long will thy be captive of silver & gold?” Script Hearken to the reed flute, how it complains, lamenting its banishment from its home: “Ever since they tore me from my osier bed, my plaintive notes have moved men and women to tears. I burst my breast, striving to give vent to sighs, and to express the pangs of my yearning for my home. He who abides far away from his home is ever longing for the day he shall return. My wailing is heard in every throng, in concert with them that rejoice and them that weep. Each interprets my notes in harmony with his own feelings, but not one fathoms the secrets of my heart. My secrets are not alien from my plaintive notes, yet they are not manifest to the sensual eye and ear. Body is not veiled from soul, neither soul from body, yet no man hath ever seen a soul.” This plaint of the flute is fire, not mere air. Let him who lacks this fire be accounted dead! 'Tis the fire of love that inspires the flute, 'tis the ferment of love that possesses the wine. The flute is the confidant of all unhappy lovers; yes, its strains lay bare my inmost secrets. Who hath seen a poison and an antidote like the flute? Who hath seen a sympathetic consoler like the flute? The flute tells the tale of love's bloodstained path, it recounts the story of Majnun's love toils. None is privy to these feelings save one distracted, as ear inclines to the whispers of the tongue. Through grief my days are as labour and sorrow, my days move on, hand in hand with anguish. Yet, though my days vanish thus, 'tis no matter, do thou abide, O incomparable pure one! A piece of **(Rumi’s)** Masnawi (the prologue)- Can you tell I haven’t tried to read it yet? Haha Try not to get this stuck in your head. 🤯🤯🤯 #rapfame #freestyle #freestyleharmony #freestylerhythm #rumi #poetry #poetryrevival #harmonicpoetry #devieros #masnawirumi #ancientpoet #poetrumi #muse #dance #catchy #beats #love #Draft #collab #tokyo #sydney #beijing #rome #paris #london #usa #accra #amsterdam #turkey #germany #lima #persia @rapfame_official @rapfame_ar_team #paris #rome #londonrap


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