new tingg
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11 months ago

yhh kkorder yhh.. ive heard of brighter days.... but only seeked dark old ways... but now im ready to change.. headphones.. inn... and ready to rym... so lets begin ..strait to da beat.. hopfully... get this wright.... change my way.. cozz put 100 in... and hope dat it really pays... coz young k... never really gives up anyways... so lets all prayy.. to god.. we all get through. dem dark days... theres a light... at the end of dem caves... but... only for dem braves... so advise u. follow young ks ways.. make my day.. but i no oneday.... ill be soo grate.. time to change.... and create.... my own way... heads always.. on a 1 way debate.... with what i have to sayy... its alright light work light weight.. trully beleive. thats my fate.. will be grater den grate.. yhyh kkorder but how got tell ya.. with all all my heart.. right from da iner soal.. i trully really hope that i realy blow... coz theres nothink more in life i want 2 show. so here we go back studio... try make my platform grow... but u already no only when i got time.. coz my family is da reason y i no.. is da reason why i grime.. u all probally here it in my ryms... soo fuck gang banging... and fuck kermiting crimes.... thats the life.. i left behind... now i see the light.. yh 4 thos who dont alredy no.. ur so blind... now my lifes all fine.. and all neatly lined.. with really strong vines... only good vibes... got really beautiful children.. and a real good wife.. thats the life... right to the after life... no lie.. every guy.. needs a good wife.. right behind.. to give us wisdom when we go so blind but i no my hearts pure kind k korder


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10 months ago

Bars: Nice 🌟 Delivery: Nice 🌟 Impression: Nice 🌟

10 months ago

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

10 months ago

Respect 🤜🤛 Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

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