Ode Instrumental

Ode Instrumental


Today's the birthdate of my neice, whom we tragically lost at the beginning of October last year 2023. How everything's flipped upside down. How lives have changed. How mine will never feel the same, Mine will always be at blame, I'm forever in this deep dream.... A stillness holds onto my core, Forevermore. #SoulDeep #EmotionalStory #Moodtography


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2 months ago

Today's the birthdate of my neice, whom we tragically lost at the beginning of October last year 2023. How everything's flipped upside down. How lives have changed. How mine will never feel the same, Mine will always be at blame, I'm forever in this deep dream.... A stillness holds onto my core, Forevermore. #SoulDeep #EmotionalStory #Moodtography

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