Lucas langhorst
Lucas langhorst

Close on the map

Close on the map

449 Plays

12 May 2020

#lukeplatia #maddxaniacs #closeonthemap #paradoxrecords #Alt #indie #rock #rap lyrics: ill come chasing after you for this life you drove me too alchahol and pain pills addictions block the pavement null away the pains I intake dull away the pains that all ache {Close on the map, Miles away from it all a pins point charts space needle tacks an X like on an Adderall extended release pill with the speed beads dissolvable in your stomach bile I'm so isolated alienated with conspiracys that irritate to irrigate behind my back I got zstack delusional profiles of paranoit individuals aggitate those thoughts too wacked like xfiles too irrational too explain some comeout in the plain day on a Sunday though most seek shelter in the damn rain don't come back with their sane frame tame yourself up with false facts you scene too seem to forget your the script playing part of a playagarised crack feind who dumbs down anything to boost their own lack self esteem up higher then who they personafy on the big screen just to please us we know your acting stupid in front of Jesus relied upon my compass and midnights coyote howl to get me back from finding myself lost on a scowl looking for lost sanitys treck fear eaten by something fowl like a grizzly attack or taken by à witch did Hansel and Gretel way back remember reading that miles of kilometers a far who's to measure us apart? when im the ruler of your heart dumb or smart each tick a second so smart in an inches distance we meet leaving home the place called wal mart boosting love never skipped a heat inside was a trip off the street one step over the next was a careless step by me fed a cart full of meat a smug smitten meal sippin meed the homeless heartfully eat counting inches over feet that turn into centimeters of meters long distance daydreams the past 10 years of wasted memories a length that will never go a way haunts my fuckin head every day how I said I can change oh by the way I'm still the same begging you for change just a thought for sure 30 in the microwave chemicals rearange porn erected a mind shot with your face cremes wake me up with a slap my face fell right into your lap holding back screams closing my eyes to snap a quick wet dream erected boobie trap wake me up with the shot of you holding whisky in a cup double d cracked and a rock ful of smack just get me on track alchahol and pain pills null away the pains I intake dull away the pains that all ache keep those eyes on the road where the fuck am I to go both eyes behind my head getting fucked so hard in bed you've drove my heart miles of love a far crashed into my crush that you never had control off love since this beat start trapped in traffic beat by the bullshit you dont know the half of it I took a detour back to Rome for no reason but to say I ran with the bull because I'm not running with your shit that's fed whole a trip headed your way miles of kilometers a far who's to measure us apart? when im the ruler to your heart its a distant circumstance the instance we drive a part for every new instance you gave me a chance to restart a circumstance each mile driven to circumference the way we had to circle who we knew each day all a lone I was, on E in need of gas o lene with no ticket to ride just a tired Mind ready to jump over the trip and not come back for good next time, next time there won't be a fucking next time this is a triotomyne the trip to die A man bet to bust was nowhere man to family the dark horse always talked upon the most about how hopeless my dreams were and how I gotta work or be on the street broke end up dead hope a reason why you can not give yourself a damn reason why we cant do ourselves right fuck what people say theres room for a dreamers tight pattern in any universe parallel to gods demeanor like matter everyone likes an upset win the name that over came a loser makes em a believer potious spites of greatness you were waiting for all year take a stance in the mirror you might have evolved into a skin you shoulda shed last year always told to take the bus though only inside did instincts trust invested with all the fuss mind buys in fame lies broken someones out here choking thriving with coniving one day came spoken his next stop hip hop hip hop outta nowhere he became a rap star woken? to keep a live the reasonal fit seasoned rockstar stress been training all year for this shit to not give up and quit engulf the moment and write the best situation for your own moment the dream within beat up hope bitten, dive into the deep wish you well wishing as 30'has to heighten peak cash this bum knows no change cloths trash this bum has no cents left just jolts to seize a growing future up ahead whatever mislead weather me or the rapper in my head Came a long way to get this far and not get fed a long the way some will say that's when a writters split led is striking the pen and pad , lightning in a youthful lad anger to his father who he wants give up on all while my heart breaks tryin to stop the crash empath from my own wakes with hell down the freeway hawls a hell full of empathy when our lips meet thats when emotion got the best of me


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4 months ago

@rapfame_official this was written by me a few years a go, a story about a girl I loved close etc far. A dynamic story telling with hot bars and rhyme schemes through and through and a hook between verses and a ridge. It’s a processing with structure that is high level writing and Plz open up to the alternative rappers and storytellers. It’s a 8 min track That’s talent Give alt rappers a chance to win

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯


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